Training Philosophy
Our training philosophy is centered around a phrase our (human) students hear a lot around K9 Azimuth and that is training culture. What is training culture? It is a symbiotic relationship with your canine companion achievable once the following is understood:
Canine Psychology
Why dogs do things. How they process information. These concepts must be understood to understand WHY a dog might be doing what they are doing as well as HOW training can work to adjust current perceptions of cause / effect in your dog's brain.
Watch these sample videos for more information.
Learning Languages
Dog's do not speak English. Understanding how to harness motivation and clearly 'speak' to your dog is paramount to any long-term communication relationship.
Watch these videos to understand more about the learning languages we will teach you at K9 Azimuth.

Training The Dog
With an understanding of canine psychology and learning languages... Now it's time to tie it all together to teach the dog something!
Often times a dog being stressed or misbehaving is because they don't yet know what else to do in that situation!
Love the dog by leading them. Show them how to succeed and reward the hell out of good decisions, confidence, stability and overall growth as a team!
Watch the video below for more information about the application of training concepts you will learn here at K9 Azimuth: